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Albert Einstein said that if he had an hour to solve a problem, he’d spend fifty-five minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes on the solution. Content designers shine when we embrace this idea.

How often do you step back from a project and wonder, “Why are we doing this?” What if your superpower was both asking and answering that question? If it isn’t already, it can be!

Let’s dig into some tactics for understanding the problems your work is trying to get at, explaining why they matter, and helping you work back toward the best possible solutions.

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Do your own discovery research on problems and opportunities in your product space.
  • Identify and advocate for new opportunities for innovation.
  • Create and validate content design hypotheses.
  • Use a problem framing methodology to create the best possible solutions.
  • Gather feedback during your process, not at the end of it.
  • Feel more confident standing up for your work.

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