
Registration opens in April!


(through May 31)
(through Aug 29)
Last call
(through Sep 27)
Full conference
  • All-access live broadcast + watch parties
  • Conference Slack
  • Live broadcast and watch party recordings
  • Button socks (highly collectable)
Recordings only
Full conference
  • All-access live broadcast + watch parties
  • Conference Slack
  • Live broadcast and watch party recordings
  • Button socks (highly collectable)
(through May 31)
(through Aug 29)
Last call
(through September 27)
Recordings only
(through May 31)
(through Aug 29)
Last call
(through September 27)

Bring your whole team to Button — wherever they are. Get multiple passes for one flat price, saving up to 70% off individual tickets. Watch together or async, in-person or remote.


Up to 10 people
11–20 people
21–40* people
  • All-access live broadcast + watch parties
  • Conference Slack
  • Live broadcast and watch party recordings
  • Button socks for every team member
*If you have a team of 40 or more and want a ticket package price, or if you have any other ticket questions, contact us.

Bring your whole team to Button — wherever they are. Get multiple passes for one flat price, saving up to 70% off individual tickets. Watch together or async, in-person or remote.

Team passes
  • All-access live broadcast + watch parties
  • Conference Slack
  • Live broadcast and watch party recordings
  • Button socks (highly collectable)
Up to 10 people
11–20 people
21–40* people
*If you have a team of 40 or more and want a ticket package price, or if you have any other ticket questions, contact us.

Registration details

What’s included with each pass type?

Full conference passes include:

  • The Button two-day live broadcast, including talks, live speaker Q&As, and panel discussions
  • Group watch parties in Zoom with live speaker Q&A
  • All on-demand recordings of the live broadcast, watch parties, and individual talks (to watch through October 2026)
  • Exclusive Slack membership to the Button conference workspace
  • Awesome Button socks shipped right to your door

Recordings-only passes are just that: on-demand recordings only. Note: Once the conference ends, all final recordings (including watch parties) will be available within two weeks. You can watch the recordings through October 2026.

When I buy an individual or recordings-only pass, can I let others watch along with me?

Friends, please:

Do not share your login with others, and do not watch together on one person’s pass.

Our policy is that every person who watches/attends all things Button must have their own individual login. This is granted when you purchase an individual pass or recordings pass, or when you get your unique login through an all-team pass.

This is an on-your-honor policy. Please know that our tiny team depends on every ticket sale to keep the lights on! Thanks for doing your part.

What’s included with the conference recordings?

Conference recordings include the two-day live Button broadcast and all watch parties. Recordings will remain available for on-demand viewing through October 2026.

Will there be any discounts available?

Yes! If you qualify for a discount, you can use the associated code for savings once registration opens:

  • Nonprofit: NP100
  • Government: GOV100
  • Self-employed or unemployed: SELF200
  • Student: CLASS200

Discount codes cannot be combined. Discount codes do not apply to all-team passes or recordings-only passes. You may also hear about special offers via Button email — sign up for the list.

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