Speaking at Button

The Button 2025 conference happens October 23 and 24 — and our call for speakers is now open! Submit your talk proposal by 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday, March 21. Read our tips for pitching a talk to get started.

Here’s what to consider when developing your talk proposal.

Quick note: For the first two rounds of our proposal review process, we don’t look at names, companies, positions, employment status, or previous speaking experience. Those are only revealed after proposal finalists have been determined, at which point we get to work creating the most diverse, balanced, valuable program possible.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

1. Topics, skills, and insights for advanced learning

According to our most recent survey, here are the topics Button attendees want to hear about:

  • Content measurement and testing
  • AI in content design
  • AI and ethics
  • Content operations
  • Content design tools
  • Content strategy
  • Stakeholder collaboration
  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • People management
  • Conversation design

2. Diverse perspectives

The best conferences reflect the communities they serve. We strongly encourage speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, and organizations to apply. This includes people whose experiences are marginalized due to systemic oppression and exclusion. Please throw your hat in the ring this year and encourage others to do the same!

3. New voices

Growing the field of content design means constantly seeking out new perspectives and ways of working. Every year, the majority of Button speakers are first-timers! Don’t let your lack of speaking experience get in the way — it’s your deep experience as a content designer and leader that we’re interested in. At this point, you may be wondering ...

Are you qualified to pitch a talk?

Um … YES.

Everyone — even the most senior, seasoned content designers — has that little voice inside them that says: “Someone else knows more about this topic than I do.” This is probably true. But absolutely no one has your experience and your perspective. So crush that voice like the annoying little buzzing mosquito it is.

You may also think, “Everyone already knows this stuff.” Listen. Even though it FEELS like everyone already knows how to do what you do, they most certainly DO NOT. They desperately want to hear you talk about it. In super nerdy detail.

Or how about: “There was a talk on this topic at a previous Button conference.” Guess what! People need to hear similar concepts, values, methods, tools, etc. over and over in order to really internalize. They also need to hear things when they are READY to hear them. So the timing is never wrong, and the topic is never boring.

So, go ahead: Pitch a talk for the Button 2025 conference

What’s special about speaking at Button?

Get speaking experience in a supportive environment.

There is literally no more supportive audience than the folks you’ll find at Button. These are your content design peers, and they are cheering you on like crazy.

Be part of a diverse, inclusive event.

From our time-tested code of conduct to the Button Equity Scholarship and beyond, we’re always looking for ways to make Button the most inclusive event it can be.

Make a real impact in your community of practice.

Button events spotlight advanced learning for content designers. The conversations that happen here are what shape the future of the field. When you contribute to a Button event, you’re having an immediate impact on how people think about and practice content design. The most important thing we can do for each other is show our work!

Button speakers are fairly compensated.

We understand not only the time and effort that goes into speaking at a conference, but also the deep expertise our speakers bring to the table. We offer all Button speakers an honorarium and a free ticket to the main conference.

Need help with your talk proposal?

We’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a Button talk work. Whether it’s your first time pitching a talk or you just want a refresher, check out our tips for pitching a talk.

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